Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Editor in Me

I think I've edited and re-edited my first post about 20 times now. Every time I re-read it, I find some punctuation error or a missing word. This is too much like work.

Maybe its time to say to those who venture here that my "editor hat" will henceforth stay at the office. Mistakes there may be. I'm fond of telling people that "A mistake motivated by love is better than getting it right just to get it right." So I'll try to live in to that in future. Especially the love part.

Thanks to Sue at Heart Mind Soul Strength, who patiently talked me through the HTML mysteries, I now can place links in text. And I can not only do italics but boldface type as well. I like it!

One of the objections to blogging that I didn't mention in my first post, but struggled with quite a bit during the last two months, is that I write for a living. Like most people, when I get home from work, I want to do something else. I noticed this afternoon, after I keyed in my "Interests" in the "Profile" section this morning for this blog, that writing is conspicuously absent. Despite the fact that I've been a professional scribe for nearly 15 years, I've only rarely written anything that wasn't for hire. Almost never something that was entirely mine, sprung from my loins, as it were, and an expression of who I am or what I really think.

I've spent a good portion of my life expressing someone else's data, thoughts, opinions. So it seemed right and good to take time, finally, to write my own.

I also read for a living. So I have, in the past, often gone many evenings without checking out blogs or even the e-mails I get from time to time.

In consequence, I've missed out on much of the lengthy conversation about "church" that has occupied a number of bloggers of late. And there's "biblical feminism" and several other related issues, like "power" and "authority." There's the "emerging church" and there's the "underground." Don't know if I have much to add to what's already been said. But I'll probably plug in and spout off on it all, eventually.

For now, it's just good to finally be here.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Mike. Another reason for not blogging is that folks who don't understand blogs may accuse you of causing trouble, if you know what I mean! ;)
